Guest Privacy Features

This page outlines the Guestbook features targeted at providing guest's rights for access, erasure and managing consents as defined under GDPR regulations. There are two main features, one is the admin page "Guest Export Details" which list all the retained information there is on Guestbook for a specific guest and provides a series of actions such as "Copy", "Anonymise", "Edit" and a link to the guest's consent page. The other feature is the ability for a guest to manage and review their consents with for Guestbook247.

Guest Consent Self-Management

The guest's consent page allows a guest to review, revoke and provide consents. Currently guestbook supports two types of guest consent :

  • Contractural Consent : This is the implicit consent a guest gives for you to service their booking or enquiry. They can't opt out of this consent as it's need to provide your accommodation service to them.

  • Newsletter Consent : this is optional and can be used to provide you the permission to send occasional newsletters & offer emails to guests. Guest can opt out anytime.

The exact definition and text of the consents is for you to provide through guestbook. We provide a default definition the contractural consent but advise you to review this to see it meets with your terms and conditions. It's your responsibility to define the consent definitions.

Guest Consent

Share the Guest's Consent page: there's a number of ways:

  • access "Export Guest's Details" which contains the shareable link to the Guest Consent page. This kink is unique for each guest. You can share by copying the link and sending via an email or messaging service such as whatsapp.

    • To access "Export Guests's Details" page :

      • use the menu option Booking | Find Guest Enter name or some other detail to find a guest. The search results show a "Privacy" button against each found guest. Click this to access the "Guest Export Details" page

      • or from the booking edit page, select a guest (edit link). The pop-up dialog shows a link to the "Export Guest's Details" page

      • or for a enquiry a Privacy button appears next to the main guest name on the enquiry form.

Guest Consent Management Link
    • Any emails sent to the guest contain a link to their individual consent page. Emails such as a booking confirmation email, booking enquiry email.

Guest Email with privacy link highlighted


Guest Export Details page

There's a number of action buttons on this page to perform:

"Copy Text" : copies all the displayed guest information to the clipboard. You can then paste from the clipboard to an application of your choice to share the information with the guest. Please keep in mind how you share this information, for instance using email means the guest info is now stored in your email account.

"Anonymise" : to help with your own data retention policy Guestbook allows for the Guest personal information to be anonymised. This includes the guest's name, address, email, phone numbers.

"Edit" : Navigates to the standard guest edit page

"Guest Consent Edit Link" : this is a unique url for each gust. This can be shared with a guest and provides access to a review all consents for the guest. Also allows the guest to alter optional consents.

First off we need to locate the guest through the "Find Guest" feature, menu Bookings | Find Guest

From here enter some search criteria such as firstname and surname then click Search. A list of matching guest will appear. For each guest returned there's a number of action buttons. Click the Privacy button.

The Privacy page shows all the personal information for the guest that is available. The options from here are :

Copy Text : Will copy the displayed information to the clipboard. You can now paste to an email or other application to share the information with the appropriate guest.

Anonymise : If a guest request erasures of personal information or for your own data retention policy the anonymise function will overwrite the guest's info. This is a non reversible action. The personal details such as name and address will be overwritten blank strings or in some cases such as names with text such as "anonymised". Any associated bookings for the guest are unaffected.

Link to Guest Consent Review: There's also a URL link that can be shared with the guest. This allows a guest to review what consents they have with your business and to change optional consents such as Newsletter consent. This link is also included in any emails sent to a guest and on the booking confirmation page.